Pathways Collective

Helping you find your path and grow your business with balance

Pathways Collective is an online life coaching and mentoring platform helping you follow your intuition, navigate career changes and accomplish your goals with balance

Wherever you want to work from

ABOUT pathways collective

A vibrant community of people who want to take ownership of their path – whatever that may be, every step of the way, each twist and turn.

Pathways Collective offers 1:1 and group career coaching, business workshops and public speaking engagements.

Topics of specialism include: confidence and self-esteem, public speaking, career changes, productivity, mental health and protection in the workplace, work-life balance, and workaholism.

My approach is holistic; whilst I focus on career coaching, I believe our home and work lives are interdependent. I look at individuals as whole beings with rounded interests and needs. I examine and challenge client assumptions, with a view to what more is possible.

Whoever you want to be

join the collective

collective membership

I am a strong believer in the power of community. Whether a coaching client, Pathways course attendee, or interested person, you all have the opportunity to get involved and nurture your potential.

Pathways Collective will be offering FREE virtual community events, newsletters and resources for you to connect with one another, start healthy habits, and work towards your goals.

Make sure to follow us live on Instagram and sign-up below for our monthly events with other expert coaches, psychologists, advocates of workplace wellbeing, career change experts and more!

don’t miss out!

Navigating futures, building community
